What Is A Super Heinz Bet?
The good old Super Heinz bet is something which was once feared would start to die out given the ever decreasing popularity of paper bet slips in high street shops and the increase in popularity of easy, online bets made by a younger and younger audience.
The popularity of multiple bets has never waned though, rather it continues to grow and those looking to multiply their bets online are no longer happy to wait for that Saturday afternoon football accumulator. Less risk and greater rewards are the order of the day for multiple loving punters in ever increasing numbers.
The Super Heinz is as popular as ever online, a bet which has the classic mix of difficulty and potential high rewards given the 7 selections needed and potential of 120 different wins. Here’s how it all works:
Super Heinz Bet Explained
The Super Heinz is another ‘Full Cover Bet’, the type designed to help gamblers cover all available multiples when betting on more than one selection.
Punters can back as many selections as they like in what in normal terms is coined as an ‘accumulator bet’, though all selections would have to win for this type of bet to be successful whereas the full cover bet allows for some selections to be unsuccessful.
The Heinz was named because its 6 selections create a total of 57 possible bets, i.e. ‘Heinz 57 varieties’, with the Super Heinz simply going one better by requiring 7 selections.
Betting sites that offer super heinz bet
How Many Bets Are There In A Super Heinz?
7 unique selections are required to form a Super Heinz, the bets breaking down like this:
21 doubles
35 trebles
35 fourfolds
21 fivefolds
7 sixfolds
1 sevenfold
In total then, 120 individual bets are placed on the one bet slip. As well as the winnings coming from any of these bets, some online bookies will offer bonuses on such bets, perhaps an extra 10% or 20% on fivefolds and above.
How Does A Super Heinz Bet Work?
When placing your online bet, getting a Super Heinz bet on is made incredibly simple. Once you have picked out your 7 selections the option will appear in the multiples section to place a Super Heinz.
As usual with multiple bets, we must always remember that after entering the unit stake our overall stake will be much higher. In the case of the Super Heinz, there are 120 bets on the slip in total so if we were make our unit stake 20p, the total bet amount would become £24.00.
Should 4 of your 7 selections turn out to be successful and 3 fail then your returns will be based on:
4 x winning singles
1 x fourfold
6 x winning doubles
4 x winning trebles
Such a win would usually end up giving is a thoroughly decent return, even at 20p per line and the returns may also be boosted by the aforementioned bookmaker bonuses!
It’s easy to see why bets such as this retain their pulling power, even for the new generation of punters as stakes can be kept to a minimum, while potential winnings remain very, very high.